
I was born in Moscow, from Italian father and Bosnian mother.
I later moved to Rome, where I grew up and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts before focusing on photography at IED – Istituto Europeo di Design.

My graduation project Acquedotto Felice  was rewarded with the honorable mention at the Moscow International Photo Award (MIFA) in 2014, within the People Portrait category.

I shoot mainly portraits, I work both digital and analog, but I still prefer to the film for my personal projects, like the series of Sarajevo: the inner siege, which has been exposed in a collective in Paris at the Italian cultural Institute, and the series In my Bed, shot on a big format camera, with 4×5 films, some of them expired.

I mainly focus on personal stories, sometimes from my own family, or small communities.


mob. +33 6 63 05 49 11